Unanswered question

No internet while recording?

I am load testing a website in my company but some features are not working with Neoload, this because even when is inside the company, I still need internet access because of some jquery and other components, there is a proxy to connect to internet and I noticed that when the Neoload recording starts, it changes the proxy configuration of the browser and it can't authenticate on the company internet proxy, I played with different configuration in the Neoload proxy section (Edit->Preferences->Proxy) but I can't make it work. Is it possible to have the internet access through the company proxy and still record what I am doing?

Kevin H.
Kevin H.

Kevin H.

15 / 100


Before doing your recording of your application with NeoLoad, i assume that you have your own proxy set in the browser. That proxy seems to allow you to reach your application and Internet right?

If it's the case, having the same settings in the NeoLoad preferences under Application proxy section should be enough to get access to your application and Internet too. So i don't understand why it should work with your application and not for the external resources.

What kind of errors did you get? Is it network connection issue? What did you get as response during the recording for this resources? You can look at the recorded response for these requests in the design section.


Khalid K.
Khalid K.

Khalid K.

88 / 100

Hi, I am also facing the same issue.
Whenever I start the recording, NeoLoad will reset the proxy settings of IE to some default as shown in the attached picture.
I have configured the proxy settings in the Recording preference but still its resetting to some defaults