Answered question

I tried to encrypt data with a client certificate on my SOAP request but I get an error

 I need to use a client certificate to set some security but when I do that I get the following exception: Illegal key size . It is working fine with other tools. What is the issue?

In NeoLoad, you have the ability to load client certificate that can be used to connect to an application or to simply encrypt some data that will be sent to a Web service. This is done through SOAP request in NeoLoad. 

Due to restrictions imposed by certain states, the key encryption length is limited to 128 bits in the NeoLoad JRE. If your country allows to use a stronger key you can manually update the JRE policy in NeoLoad to avoid that limitation. 


To do so, please follow the procedure described here: 


Make sure to download the files for the right JRE. You have the version of the NeoLoad JRE when you look at the log files accessible throug the menu “Help-->Open logs folder....”. 

For example, NeoLoad 4.2 uses a JRE 1.7 version.


For more information, see “Advanced installation” under “Installation” section in NeoLoad documentation.

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