Answered question

I try to use Chrome to record my application but NeoLoad does not record anything.

The recording is working fine with other browsers like IE or Firefox but not with Chrome. Is there any issues with NeoLoad using Chrome?

Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

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Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

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When you start a recording with any browsers, NeoLoad will start its own proxy locally on port 8090.

So when you used the option to start the browser from NeoLoad, it will automatically modify the proxy settings of the browser you've selected.

If you did not get any actions recorded, the most likely issue is that NeoLoad was not able to change the proxy settings of your browser.

In that case, you could try that manual procedure to see if you are able to record your application:


  1. Start your recording without launching the browser
  2. Manually start Chrome
  3. Change its proxy settings to “localhost:8090”
  4. Connect to your application
  5. Check if you have something recorded.


The attached PDF has screenshots to help in this process.

If you need your own proxy to reach your application, go to NeoLoad preferences, proxy section and add your own proxy to the “Application proxy” section.

For more information, see "Proxy" under "Preferences" in the NeoLoad documentation.


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