Unanswered question

How can I export all http request response times from a previously executed runtime test?

I have several scenario test runs saved off. I want to view all http requests/responses (their duration) generated by the test run. NeoLoad gives averages broken down by averages, but I want to get the list of ALL requests for further analysis. Is this possible, and if so, how?

Joshua D.
Joshua D.

Joshua D.

1 / 100


The number of requests/responses during a load test can be huge. So NeoLoad does not keep the data for all of them. He calculates averages by time interval.
The raw data are not available anymore after the test.

In the next NeoLoad version, raw data will be kept for containers only in order to create SLA (Service Level Agreement) report.

I would suggest you to open an idea on our community to check if this feature may interest other customers in future NeoLoad versions.