Unanswered question

i am getting Cannot load custom action "DynatraceMonitoringAction" during runtime error in neoloadweb

i have integrated dynatrace in my neoload 7.4 version and after after click on start button in neoload web i have seen " Cannot load custom action "DynatraceMonitoringAction" during runtime" error in events tab in neoload web.how can i resolve this issue.
Note: i have followed belowvideo link to integrate dynatrace with neoload.
please refer attached screenshots.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750


This Dynatrace integration is deprecated and you should use instead the latest version of NeoLoad where Dynatrace is fully integrated by default.

That being said have you copied the Dynatrace JAR file in your NeoLoad installation folder or project folder? I would recommend to put it in the project folder ($project_dir//lib/extlib ) and then export your project. This way you are sure that the JAR is there whatever the controller used in NeoLoad Web.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@Nouridine - Thanks for your reply.i have alredy put Neoload integration jar file in extlib in neoload but i could not find any extlib in $project_dir//lib/extlib location.can you please let me know the solution to avoid above error.

Go inside your project folder with your file explorer and you should see that ../lib/extlib folder. Copy your Dynatrace JAR inside that folder and zip your project in order to import it into NeoLoad Web.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@nouridine. according to your instrucitons i have put jar file in li/extlib under project folder.after that i have exported and in neoload when i click start i have seen "?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Output>
<Status state="ERROR">Error encountered :javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: access_denied</Status>
</Output>" error in events in neolaod web.could you please give me the solution.

Note: screenshot attached.

So now the JAR are found but the issue is to communicate with your Dynatrace server. Do you get the same error when you replay your script in NeoLoad GUI using the local LG?

Did you use the same controller/LG in NeoLoad Web to execute your test? I guess it's not the same resources or you should have the same issue running from NeoLoad GUI.

This SSL issue seems to indicate a certificate issue but it's not clear if it's the server that rejected the handshake or the client.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@Nouridine - where i need to check SSL Certificate issue.i have already install and linked the same to neoload tool at the time of installation.suggest me workaround.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@Nouridine - i dont have possibility to test the same in local lg in neoload gui.and last time when i test it i did not get any errors like ssl handshake but i have observed this particular error only occures in neoload web and i have confirmed that i have not used same lg in Neoload gui is not same whatever i am using in Neoload.both are different.let me know the workraround for this.