Unanswered question

i am getting lot of "NL Network 01" errors in neload web.how to resolve this issue

currently i am running load test (without ramp up) with 50 users and duration is 1 hour.after starting the test i got lot of "NL Network 01" errors in events tab in neload web.so how can i resolve this issue.

Note: i have uploaded scripts from my lg machine local to neload web and i have selected different LG and controller in neoload web.waiting for your reply.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750


suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@nell or @nouridine - please suggest me workaround for above issue.

Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

What are the details of these NL-Network-01 errors? Do you get those errors from your local LG or only from the LG registered in NeoLoad Web?

Also if you run the same test with a low ramp up of users do you see the same errors? If yes at which load do you see them?


suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@nouridine - thanks for your reply.

1) i dont have any log to see the error detaisl in neoload web.when i click on response for failed request i have seen "please see previous request for details" in neload web(please refer screenshot for this.)

2)i got also nl network 01 errors in my local machine (Neoload GUI) also but that are very less compared to neoload web.

3)i got nl network errors for lesser load for 25,50 users also.

please refer screenshot for nl network error details. .

Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

As displayed in your screen shot you need to select the first occurrence of the error to get the detail. NeoLoad does not store the error content after the 10th same error from the same load generator.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@nouridine - i have seen first occurence of the error and the error is "javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: access_denied".so could you please suggest workaround for above.

Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

Well based on the error message it's clearly a SSL handshake issue. But the root cause is not clear.

Do you only get it running a test or are you able to reproduce it even by running a check user path using your local LG or remote LG's? Are you using a proxy to reach your URL?

If it works fine with a single user then it might be something that is blocking the SSL handshake from your side when more users are running. You should check your IT team if there's any security settings with antivirus or firewall related to number of hit/s coming from the same IP.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@nouridine - Thanks for your reply.

1)Do you on get it running a test or are you able to reproduce it even by running a check user path using your local LG or remote LG's? - my answer is no.

Are you using a proxy to reach your URL? - i have observed
3) i have not used any proxy to reach my applicaiton.
4) i have not reproduced the same error while running user path in neoload gui.

suggest some workaround for above.

this error while i am running user load around 50 in neload web.i have not observed this in my local machine. -

2) it is not occuring for single user and i have observed it is occring multiple user load in neoload web. -

3)Regardign my IT team- they are busy and they are not in position to help this instead of that as my enviornment is secure so antivirus is installed in my machine so it is not possibel to do the changes in antivirus - this is violating security rules in my organiazation.

Aaprt from that i have added exception rules (add port 7100) under inbound rules in control panel.
can you please suggest me workaround.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@nell or @nouridine - please suggest workaround for this .

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@nell or @nouridine - can you refer my below latest comment and suggest me workaround.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@nouridine - can you please reply to my question and also suggest some workaround for this.

Hi Suresh, based on the number of questions from you on this specific Network 01 type errors, i would suggest you ask for assistance from your local account team, I assume you have a commercial licence and have a support contract. This forum is community support and it sounds like you need a web meeting and some dedicated help. As Nouredine suggests, this sounds like environmental issues rather than Neoload ones. I understand your IT dept and dev teams are busy but if the issues lie in their domain, you will need them to provide assistance

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

it is not possible to take help from network team rather then that i will do my self to find solution.i would ask some workaround for this.can i change any proxy settings for this?

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@nell or @nouridine - i am not getting this error in my local machine.i am getting this error only in neoload web while test is running with 50 users.so how to resolve this issue.

Note:There is no IT Team here. i have to take care of everything.could you please suggest some workaround for this.

Earlier you said you are getting the error on your local machine, just to be clear, the NL Network 01 are on both local LG and the other LG you have in Neoload Web? The SSL error is just on NLWeb LG?

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@nell - i am getting SSL error only in neload web LG machine,not in local machine LG - this is clear
but not in my local LG Machine.while i am running load test with 50 users in neload web i got "javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: access_denied" .could you please suggest me workaround.

Note: i have different LG machine in neload web for execuiton.

Note2: see error details

Yes, this is clear, the initial question that started this discussion was the Network 01 error though. Lets park that one for now.

Does the SSL handshake happen on a 1 user load test executed via Neoload Web or does it only happen when you are running a larger test?

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@Neil - it is happening with 50 users load test not happened for single user in neload web.As soon as test starts i got immediately within 5 seconds i got nl network o1 error in neload web.how to resolve this issue.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@Neil - to resolve nl network error can i change any changes in Controller.propeties file in install dir in neload?

suggest some workaround.it is not happened locally in my machine and i have not observed this error in local LG in my machine and i have observed this Access denied error in LG in neloadweb.when i start test immediately it throws nl network error.i could not find the isue here it is.can you help me on this to resolve.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@Neil - please respond on my quiries.

Hi, sorry I'm lost, what are you asking? you said the network 01 errors didn't happen on the local LG, yet your second response to this post clearly states "2)i got also nl network 01 errors in my local machine (Neoload GUI) also but that are very less compared to neoload web."

What error are you looking to resolve in this thread, the network 01 or the SSL handshake one?

As has been mentioned, the network 01 error is that your application didn't respond to the request from Neoload, the reason why is very likely due to your application or the routing between the LG and the application. What is the actual error message you see? without detail, it is very hard to help

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@Neil thanks forvyourvreply.the errr i got in neoload web is nl network 01 error.when i saw response of partular request which has nl network error is i found ssl exception;fatal error:access denied.this is i swa for nl network 01 error.now my question is how to resolve ssl access denied error.this belongs to nl network error 01.this is happened in LG machine in neoload web wit 50 users load.

Now my question is how to reslive ssl access denied error.are u ckear?
Note:tefer screenshot of my previous respknses for error description.

I have sent reply from my mobile so i am unable to send screenshot.dont confuse that nl network 01 and ssl accrsx denied errors.when i see the respknse of failed request which is caused to nl network 01 is ssl exceptiin:fatal ertor:,zccess denied.i hope u understand.

Note:i got ghis errors in neoloadcweb not in my lical LGs.
Waiting for u rcreply.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@neil please refer scrednshot which i hav attached and give me workaround.u can see error details in screenshot.this is i gotcwhen i am running user liad wifh 50 in neoload web not in my lical machjne.any workaround for this error which i hav attached.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@neil the error i got in neload web is "Java.net.SSL Exception:Received fatal alert: Access Denied.i got this error while running load test in neload web not in my local machine. - this is clear.

i have done some changes in controller.proerties file in conf-> neload->https.protocols=SSLv3. remove tls v1 and other version and also but no use.even i have changed changes in proxy but no use.can you suggest me some workaround for this.

Note: please give me workaround for the error which i have attached.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@neil or nouridine please look into this and suggest me workaround solution.

Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

Again your issue seems to be related to your environment and if it was a TLS config on NeoLoad side you should have been able to reproduce it even with 1 user load.

You should run a test using your remote LG with a slow ramp up policy and check at which load you start having issues. The issue is not on NeoLoad Web and probably not on NeoLoad itself since it works fine from your local machine. You need to get help from your IT to check if there's a network device that is refusing the TLS handshake. You mentioned a proxy maybe you should start with it.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@Nouridine -Thanks for your response.
You need to get help from your IT to check if there's a network device that is refusing the TLS handshake - regarding this my it team in not in a position to identify the issue.i am the only one to resolve this issue.can you pelase suggest me how to resolve TLS Handshake error.i have observed that this nl network 01 error is not happened in my local and at the same time i am ensure that it is happened with in my neoload web with 50 user load.so can you suggest me that workaround for resolving tsl handshake error.
or can i follow below link to resolve ssl handshake error.
http://answers.neotys.com/questions/2640830-getting-javax-net-ssl-sslexception-received-fatal-alert-protocol-version-error - please refer this.

waiting for your reply.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

@neil or Nouridine - can you please respond this and provide solution for resolving tls handshake error

Hi, As mentioned previously, this is not something that can be solved without the help of your developers or IT team. Changing Neoload settings without knowing the cause wont help.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750

i have observed that even i ran test with 50 user load in my local machine with local LG i did not get same error but i got nl network 01 error in neload web? why i am getting access denied error in neload web which is not reproducable in local machine.

please suggest me some workaround solution for this.

note: attached both screenshot in local machine and neoload web.

Note: Nl network error screenshot represents the error occured in neload web with 50 users.when i started load test after 5 mins i got first nl network 01 error happened with less user load.