As I don't have neoload web, I miss some parameters :
Can you help me please ?
You may need to have the controller.properties file or the controller-user.properties file within the container as it is expecting a shared licence
As per the container documentation, this container has been deprecated but would still require Neoload Web, you can run the Docker controller container if needed. You would need save the test results before the container is destroyed
Can You give me please the command line to run the docker controller without Neoload Web?
In the dockerhub page of the NeoLoad controller you have a section called "Stand-Alone Usage" where you can run a test with that controller without NeoLoad Web. However by default it requires a collaboration project in SVN and an enterprise license.
Still you can override the entrypoint to use all the regular command line options instead of the one required by this image. This way you can useĀ a local project and mount a volume too to use a local license if needed knowing that the controller will search for a license file under $HOME/.neotys/neoload
This is an example with a local project but a shared license on NTS:
docker run --rm --entrypoint="/home/neoload/neoload/bin/NeoLoadCmd" -v $HOME/foo:/tmp/foo neotys/neoload-controller --project /tmp/foo/ExampleSimple/ExampleSimple.nlp --launch scenario1 --leaseServer nts --nts http://mynts:8000 --nts_login foo:A3gGfqR+nS8X5uoArMLvYw== --leaseLicense 10:1 --noGUI
Hello Nouredine,
Thanks for your message.
I want to run a local test (without Neoload web and without NTS server).
I tried this command:
name: /neotys/neoload-controller:7.10.0
entrypoint: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
stage: Test
And I have this message:
API_Missionnement_PieceJointe.nlp file has been found in /builds/continuous.deployment/perf-tests/neoload/API_Missionnement_PieceJointe.
Logging to /home/neoload/.neotys/neoload/v7.10/logs, as user: neoload
Loading project: /builds/continuous.deployment/perf-tests/neoload/API_Missionnement_PieceJointe/API_Missionnement_PieceJointe.nlp
Project API_Missionnement_PieceJointe loaded
Found a valid NLWeb configuration : URL=[https://neoload-rest.saas.neotys.com]
ERROR: The test duration in undetermined for this scenario. The lease of a license cannot be automatic, please do it manually.
ERROR: Unable to automatically lease a server license
com.neotys.nl.i.P: Issues detected before executing scenario "Scenario_Juillet_2021"
at com.neotys.nl.controller.az.a(az.java:373)
at com.neotys.nl.controller.az.a(az.java:319)
Exit with status: 2TS
Can you give me please the right command ?