Unanswered question

401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials?

Hi Neoload team,

Currently we are working in a application where username and password is required to access the application. When i navigate manually i was able to navigate through pages. I was able to record the script through neolaod also. When i execute check user path getting below error
"401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials" - Here we are not passing any credentials, how do i get this error.?? Please provide your suggestions.

Attached request and responsefor your reference.

Dinesh R.
Dinesh R.

Dinesh R.

35 / 100


Looking at the server response we have this header "WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate" which may indicate a Kerberos authentication required.

If you look at your request in design section you should see an Authorization header. If the ID begins with YII then it's Kerberos authentication otherwise for NTLM it should start with TlR.

If it's NTLM then simply add your credentials at the server definition in NeoLoad. For more details please look at the NeoLoad documentation here

If it's Kerberos then you need to enable Kerberos authentication in NeoLoad following the procedure described here

Then add also your credential at the server definition level.

Dinesh R.
Dinesh R.

Dinesh R.

35 / 100

@Nouredine ,

I have tried your steps as mentioned. but still getting the same error.

Is there any other way to fix it ?

I have done changes in controller.properties file as mentioned below,

Have you confirmed if it's Kerberos or NTLM authentication that was used during the recording?

If it's Kerberos you also need to fill the krb5.conf with your domain,kdc information. You should check with your IT to get the right information.

Dinesh R.
Dinesh R.

Dinesh R.

35 / 100

@Nouredine ,

The application uses, KERBEROS authentication.