Dear Support,
I'm referring to a similar question and that is the Custom decoder. The answer you gave is using the javascript decodeURIComponent() function but when I do use it and click apply I do not get the expected decoding but the same string.
I tried to add to the extracted value at the end .toString.
Fact is that when I'm using a JavaScript outside the Variable Extractor with the same function decodeURIComponent() the conversion works.
The extraction value is vqT1LgBwL5udbWWqafjgBA\u00253D\u00253DTAG0 and the expected should be vqT1LgBwL5udbWWqafjgBA==TAG0.
I still use Neoload 7.3.
Any idea?
Dear Support,
Here the solution:
function decode(encodedValue) {
const searchValue ="\\u0025";
const replaceWith = '%';
var decodedValue = decodeURIComponent(encodedValue.split(searchValue).join(replaceWith));
return decodedValue;
does this work?
var value=value.replace(new RegExp("\\u0025",'g'),"%")
Dear Neil W.,
I tried your proposal but it does not work. Instead this works :
var decodedValue = encodedValue.replace(/\\u0025/g,'%');
so the optimized code would look like this:
function decode(encodedValue) {
var decodedValue = decodeURIComponent(encodedValue.replace(/\\u0025/g,'%'));
return decodedValue;