Unanswered question

Neoload 7.5 is taking long time to run a project with a LG in other location

When i run my project with Localhost as LG my scenario runs inmediatly, but if I use a LG in other locations this is taking a long time, almoust 20 min or more, I tried to use 2 LG and it was impossible, sometimes "Initializating" message is visible and looks like is ready to run but take a long time to start the test

Javier M.
Javier M.

Javier M.

13 / 100


When you start the test the controller will send the project content to the load generators. So depending on the size of your project, the available bandwidth and the network latency between your controller and LG it may take time.

Could it be the possible root cause of your issue?

Have you checked the CPU/Memory/Disk usage of the NeoLoadGUI.exe process when it's in the initialization phase?

As a side note if you have external files inside your project like at the root folder or in the custom-resources folder they will be synchronized to the LG only the first time. So the first run may take time but the next ones should be much faster. I would like to mention that in case it makes sense for your project.

Javier M.
Javier M.

Javier M.

13 / 100

80MB my project and CPU/memory/disk usage are low, no major issue at that part, I thought the same about the synchronization, but all the times take long time to start, sometimes 20 min, sometimes 15min and others 30 min , I dont know what i need to do for improve this time

Something is slowing down the initialization process. Could it be a low network bandwidth or high network latency?

You should open the Windows task manager while starting the test and check the network utilization and the NeoLoadGUI.exe process.

If you run a test with one remote LG with the same project does it still take 15-20 min or much less?