Answered question

How do I stop NeoLoad timing out before my load generators initialise?

I am running NeoLoad 6.3.1 on a Windows 2016 Server, so the built in WAN emulation does not work (known issue). To get around this I have two load generators installed on Linux machines which then use a network bridge to simulate poor networking conditions.

The problem I am having is NeoLoad times out before the load generators can finish initialising. Watching the processes list in the Linux machines when the test is started off shows the java process starting as expected, which was a common issue other users were having on this forum.

Is there a way to increase the timeout delay in NeoLoad's configuration files to allow the load generators time to initialise properly? I don't mind how long it takes, as long as the test will eventually start and run. I have already played with a couple of numbers (such as loadGenerator.init.touch.delay) but have had no luck.

Brandon H.
Brandon H.

Brandon H.

15 / 100
Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

During the initialization phase NeoLoad controller sends all the project information to the load generators including external files if any in multiple different steps.

Do you have such external files?

So the timeout can occur at any of those steps. What you can do is to increase the timeout to send the project if the issue is on that area. It is by default set to 120s


  1. Stop NeoLoad controller
  2. Edit <install_dir>\conf\ file
  3. Go to the [Network] section
  4. Locate the key:
  5. Increase the timeout value which is in millisecond
  6. Start NeoLoad controller
  7. Try again to start your test.

If it still does not work could you provide a zip of your NeoLoad log files accessible through the menu "Help-->Open logs folder...".


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Brandon H.
Brandon H.

Brandon H.

15 / 100

Thanks Nouredine, this worked for me!