When running the validate command on yaml request files, I return an error on the accept and content type, that it is not of string. How should be formatted?
I am sending the followint POST command:
POST https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/user
User-Agent: Jetty/9.3.7.v20160115NeotysEdition.61
Content-Type: application/json...
I tried to execute the same request and it worked on my side. Do you use a proxy to reach that URL?
Could you try to disable HTTP/2 in the Advanced settings of the check vu...
So I am sending a POST request to ASMX web services, and in the response body JSON nodes have backslashes "\" is there way to parse it into standard json response?
I have a python test that I would like to replicate within Neoload. The script consists of two basic actions:
1. Within an Http request - how do I provide Basic...
After lots of trail and error - I was able to answer my own questions. Posting answers, incase anyone else has the same questions.
1) For the first Http Request, basic...