I'm trying to use the same docker-compose file to install Neoload Web on Linux RedHat 7 and on Amazon Linux.
While on RedHat it start every container and works fine (even whith some errors in logs).
Meanwhile in AWS my container nlweb-backend keep crashing whith this kind of logs (see in attachments).
What I've seen from now is :
Could it be the problem why my nlweb-backen keep restarting ? And Is there a fix to this problem ?
Thank you.
It looks like you need to increase the open file limit?
As a root user add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:
Restart the Linux system after the configuration files are modified.
An individual user can increase the limits within a running shell with the following commands:
ulimit -n 65536
ulimit -u 10000
I've solve the problem by setting directly into the neoload-web docker-compose.yaml those configurations for my nlweb-backend container without edinting limits.conf from my server host.
Thank for your help.