Unanswered question

how could I install LoadGen on Arm64 Linux?

I would like to install NeoLoad load generators on high-performance, low-cost ARM 64-bit devices running Linux. I can do it on Intel-based machines, but the installer fails every time on Arm64 machines.

After downloading the installer, I do this command:
sudo sh neoload_7_6_0_linux_x64.sh -c

It gives me this output:
Unpacking JRE ...
Starting Installer ...
neoload_7_6_0_linux_x64.sh: 608: neoload_7_6_0_linux_x64.sh: /home/admin/neoload_7_6_0_linux_x64.sh.19589.dir/jre/bin/java: Exec format error

These machines are running Debian Buster. I have most recently tested on an AWS c6g.xlarge instance, which has a Graviton2 processor with 2 vCpu.

Does anyone know how to make this work?

Michael C.
Michael C.

Michael C.

36 / 100


Michael C.
Michael C.

Michael C.

36 / 100

(This is a comment not an answer. Sorry I don't know how to properly make a comment.)

I downloaded an archive, but I don't quite know how to run it. I suppose I need to install a JRE and then maybe run the neoload-launcher-7.6.6.jar from the unpacked archive.

This is the archive I downloaded. https://d24mnm5myvorwj.cloudfront.net/documents/download/...

I tried this:
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless
tar zxf loadGenerator_7_6_0_linux_x64.tar.gz
java -jar ~/neoload7.6/bin/neoload-launcher-7.6.6.jar

it said:
no main manifest attribute, in /home/admin/neoload7.6/bin/neoload-launcher-7.6.6.jar