Answered question

JavaScript libraries

I see that there is a JavaScript libraries tool and I guess that we can call a function from the library and pass it arguments but how is this done from the script? I cannot see it in the documentation.

Dean C.
Dean C.

Dean C.

40 / 100

If you are talking about the new library included in NeoLoad 7.1 it is documented here

Otherwise you can drag and drop a Javascript action in your user path and call your function from that Javascript. You can either define your function in that JS and/or use Java code. For more details you can look at the NeoLoad documentation.


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Dean C.
Dean C.

Dean C.

40 / 100

Ah, it appears that the boilerplate in the javascript example is exactly what i need but had previously ignored and deleted in the past.

// Do some computation using the methods
// you defined in the JS Library
var computedValue = myLibraryFunction(myVar);