Unanswered question

Resources not available in Neoload Web

Resources TAB in Neoload Web show no resources (both controller and load generators are not available). Hence I am unable to trigger a test from Neoload Web.
The resources were available previously and we were able to execute tests from Neoload Web.
Kindly assist why it occurs suddenly and how to resolve the issue. Thanks in advance,

Harish N.
Harish N.

Harish N.

111 / 750


Depending on your role in NeoLoad Web you have a set of permission defined and if you can't see the resources tab that means that you do not have sufficient priviledges. You should check with the administrator of your NeoLoad Web  account to grant you right permissions on SaaS or on-premise version.

If it's the Saas account make sure to use the right email address when you connect to NeoLoad Web Saas.

Neil W.
Neil W.

Neil W.

5000 / 5000

What version of Neoload Web (assuming on prem) and Neoload?