Unanswered question

NL-NETWORK-01 Error : ClosedChannelException

I am using NeoLoad 6.1.2.

While running unit tests for a quite simple business process, 90% of the executed iterations are OK.
But every once in a while, I get a NL-NETWORK-01 error with following details :
Message : Netword error : an I/O error occurred while sending the request.
Detail : java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException.

Do you know the meaning of this particular network error ?

Thanks & Regards,

Maxime H.
Maxime H.

Maxime H.

32 / 100


Is it always the same requests having such error? If yes is there anything specific to that/those requests like maybe external URL's or else?

Also have you tried with a recent NeoLoad version? You can backup your project in case you would like to go back to the old 6.1.2 version.

Maxime H.
Maxime H.

Maxime H.

32 / 100

Hi Nouredine, thanks for the reply.
No it is not always the same request having such error.
Actually most of the requests (but not all) having this error are POST requests (Content :Multipart/Form-Data). There is no external URL's.

Unfortunately I can't try with another NeoLoad version because the application is only available from a host on wich I don't have the habilitations to install nor downoad/copy anything.


Do you get those errors by running a checkvu or only on a load test with concurrent users?

Do you use a proxy between your LG and your application?

Do you have a way to test with another LG machine? Or if you already use multiple LG's do you get the errors on both?

Since the issue happens on different URL's the issue might be related to the environment. That's why running the test a different way could help to figure out where the issue is.

Last but not least if you have an antivirus installed on the LG try to disable it completely and check the behavior then.

Maxime H.
Maxime H.

Maxime H.

32 / 100
  • I get these errors by running a checkvu AND running load tests (unit test and small load test).
  • No proxy between my LGs and the application (all hosts on same network).
  • I have 5 LGs. Errors comes from every one of them (but one of them concentrates a little more errors than the 4 others).
  • LGs are all Linux hosts, so I don't think there is an antivirus installed on them. I would have the habilitations to disable it anyway.
Maxime H.
Maxime H.

Maxime H.

32 / 100

--> I would NOT have the habilitations to disable it anyway.