Unanswered question

how to do i record apis in neoload through postman

i have 12 apis and have to test with a load of 10000 users in neoload i am just adding each api individually it is taking more time bcoz i ahve to add parameters of api for every api is there any option to add all parameters at a time instead of adding oneby one

Dileep C.
Dileep C.

Dileep C.

6 / 100


There's several tricks to speed-up API Test design:

  • if you can set a Proxy on Postman, enter NeoLoad (localhost:8090) and then: 1. launch NeoLoad recording (you can unselect 'launch a browser') 2. Launch your test set in Postman. NeoLoad will record all calls.
  • Or for each API call, you can copy/paste the HTTP request sent from Postman execution log to NeoLoad for a new HTTP request where you can paste the full HTTP call.

In both cases, you'll need to replace some recorded values by extracted values or variables.

Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

In postman you can define an HTTP proxy. If you define the NeoLoad proxy "<NeoLoad_IP_machine>:8090" and start the NeoLoad recording without starting the browser then you will be able to execute your requests from Postman having NeoLoad recording them.

If your API is HTTPS make sure that in the Postman settings the check of certificate is disabled.

Steven F.
Steven F.

Steven F.

64 / 100

Also if your APIs have a swagger file (or wsdl) the the wizard will fill lots of detail out for you, I think it's really good