Unanswered question

How can i set the startdate/time of a run into a variable?

i want to run a SQL script at the end of the run. in this script i use startdate and enddate. For enddate i can use the current date/time. but how can i set start date to be the actual startdate/time of the run. in the neoload results summary there is a value "start date" and 'duration'. can i somehow set those in a variable?

I could use a fixed value (startdate - 1h), but then i have to change the value if i make changes in my run.

Terenc T.
Terenc T.

Terenc T.

11 / 100


Terenc T.
Terenc T.

Terenc T.

11 / 100

Hi Neil,

The User path where I want to obtain this variable, only runs at the end of my scenario. And Im also using this user path in 2 different scenario's (both with different total durations).

My Scenario's contain multiple User paths. so i want to set a variable (current date/time) globally at the start of scenario. and use this variable in a different User path at the end of the scenario.

You could run an empty userpath at the beginning of scenario in a population before any of the real populations begin, it's sole purpose to capture the time via a simple piece of javascript and drop it in a variable, then your test kicks off as normal