Unanswered question

why isn't check user path updating request and response details?

When i rerun the user path, the request and response are not being updated.
The transaction processes successfully but an assertion fails because I am using an extracted value to assert against.
Why is the request and response not being updated?

william S.
william S.

william S.

115 / 750


Fousseyni B.
Fousseyni B.

Fousseyni B.

1014 / 2000

Hello William,

As far as I know, Neoload does not automatically update request and response content after checking a user path.

Did you try to explicitly update the recorded content after checking the user path ?
To make a global update, from the check user path menu click on the advanced button -> Update
To make a specific update on a page or request, right click on the request or the response.

If you have made an update and your assertion did not match again, you have a problem with the assertion rule or the application itself.

Best Regards,
Fousseyni B.

Neil W.
Neil W.

Neil W.

5000 / 5000

Fousseyni is correct that running a checkVU wont update the userpath in your test, however, you will see the latest response to the request in the checkVU window. The variable extractor should extract the value correctly unless the response is not the response you are expecting in terms of layout/structure

william S.
william S.

william S.

115 / 750

i have lost a lot of confidence in neoload assertion. here is the situation:
1. i successfully extract a dynamic variable at the beginning of the test
2. i assert on that variable at the end of the test
3. neoload reports a failed assertion even thought the txn is successful and verified externally

it appears that the assertion is being done on the recorded response body and not on the current response body

we have considered upgrading to an enterprise version but this has got to be fixed.

The assertion is never done on the recorded response. As a matter of fact you can remove the recorded-response folder in your project and it won't make any difference.

There's probably another explanation. If i understand your assertion is based on the content of an extracted variable done earlier in the test. Have you checked if the extraction result does not content any blank spaces or any invisible character that could fail the validation?

Could you provide some screen shots of what you get so we can have a better understanding?
