Answered question

Importing Swagger with SSL client cert?

I have set up my Neoload so that it uses client certificates to for recording and at runtime. I am now trying to import my Swagger so that I can use the API calls defined there to make user paths but when I enter the URL there I get a "parsing error occurred".

When I check the logs regarding this error it says "unable to read ,location *swagger url* due to a SSL configuration error. It is possible that the server SSL certificate is invalid, self-signed, or has an untrusted Certificate Authority".

I can't tell what cert if any Neoload is trying to use to access the Swagger from the logs. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way I can tell what certificate Neoload is using here? Is there a way I can specify what cert Neoload should be using to access the Swagger?

Tim B.
Tim B.

Tim B.

3 / 100
christophe M.
christophe M.

christophe M.

5000 / 5000

Accessing certificate or password protected URLs is not supported. You have to download the Swagger file on disk.

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