Unanswered question

Is there a way to make SSL test without having a certificate in a PCKS12 format ?

I am currently working for a client who wants to test via the Internet on their pre-production environment. The problem is that the use of SSL certificates is necessary and Neoload only imports certificates in PKCS12 format. However, the customer, rightly, does not want to communicate both the certificate and its private key because it must not leave the F5 for security reasons. How do you think I could respond to his request without certificate in PKCS12 format?
Thank you very much in advance for your answer.

Yohann H.
Yohann H.

Yohann H.

55 / 100


Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

I'm confused. The "real" users probably have this client certificate in their browser settings in order to reach the application right? So can't you use the client certificate of one of the user and export it to a PKCS12 format?

Or they can also provide you a temporary client certificate with a short expiration date so you can use it with NeoLoad.

Yohann H.
Yohann H.

Yohann H.

55 / 100

Thank you Nouredine for your answer.
For more information, the client has provided me the necessary certificates in PKCS # 7 (.p7b) format (those that will be used by the real users) but it does not seem possible to convert them into PKCS # 12 format without having to mention the private key. Also, when opening certificates in PKCS # 7 (.p7b) format to export them in a new format, only the following 3 formats are available: X.509 DER (* .cer), X.509 base64 (* .cer) and PKCS # 7 (.p7b). The 4th format PKCS # 12 (.pfx) is not selectable because it is grayed out.