Unanswered question

Loadrunner user with some questions - Very basic

My company is moving to Neoload in a month or two so I'm trying to figure it out. I've been using Loadrunner for a very very long time.

I recorded my first script and I seen to be missing something.

When looking at the Requests in the advanced parameters

I see this quite often

<!-- Body not stored by the tool. (Only text content is stored) -->
I run the Check path validity and there is this response

Error detected by NeoLoad
Error Code: NL-REDIRECT-03 Message: Unable to perform redirect: The previous request did not perform a redirection. Details:
Please refer to the documentation for further details and advice

This usually follows an error.

I'm used to the logging and snapshots in VUGEN. Can someone point me to a video or tutorial where I can find something similar in NEOLOAD?

Harry M.
Harry M.

Harry M.

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