Unanswered question

Variable extraction failed. No match found for expression ,how do I resolve this in second iteration??

I am trying to replace the session ID to be able to run multiple users, this is placed in the Cookie as a response from the sever. But facing an issue when trying to run the test in the Check User Path.

Variable 'sessionVar' extraction failed. No match found for expression: '<sessionId>(.*?)</sessionId>'.

It seems that the response from the server is not coming back correcting on the second iteration.

I'm not sure what else to check to get this to work.
Could you please assist ?

abdullah A.
abdullah A.

abdullah A.

22 / 100


If i understand your issue is only on the second iteration right? Do you have your whole scrip inside the Actions container or do you have your login inside the Init container?

If you have your login in Init do you really have to extract your sessionID in the second iteration too?


abdullah A.
abdullah A.

abdullah A.

22 / 100

Hi Nouredine,

Thanks for the reply.

The whole script is in the Actions container, not sure if that may cause issues ?

Initially, when loading up the webpage it generates a sessionId which is then passed across in the subsequent requests when a user logs in.

Is there a better approach to handling this ?