Unanswered question

Determining the max vusers per load generator

I want to know how many vusers can a LG handle.. Is there any way to determine it like we havein Loadrunner

Sadasivuni V.
Sadasivuni V.

Sadasivuni V.

317 / 750


Since the number of virtual users that a LG can handle strongly depends on lot's parameters in your user paths like the technology involved, the size of the response and if there's validations/extractions etc...the best is to setup your LG and eventually tune the memory allocated to LG process then run a real test with your real scripts using a ramp up load policy. Then check the CPU/Memory/Network usage to have a good estimation of the load that can handle your LG before getting overloaded.

Sadasivuni V.
Sadasivuni V.

Sadasivuni V.

317 / 750

how do I tune the memory allocated to LG process.