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please help in identifying the root cause of NL-HTTPERROR-01 & NL-NETWORK-01 error code during Load test execution

While execution of 5k Virtual users, we are getting more number of errors in below error code,


Error detected by NeoLoad
Error Code: NL-HTTPERROR-01
Message: Internal error: An HTTP error occurred sending the request.
Details: org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpResponseException: Received HttpResponse[HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable]@4b313265 for HttpRequest[CONNECT / HTTP/1.1]@ab1b51c
Please refer to the documentation for further details and advice

Error detected by NeoLoad
Error Code: NL-NETWORK-01
Message: Network error: An IO error occurred sending the request.
Details: java.nio.channels.AsynchronousCloseException
Please refer to the documentation for further details and advice

Neoload Version: 6.7
No. of Vusers: 5k
Load Generators: 4 (located at Frankfurt)
Controller :1 (Located at Frankfurt)
Test: Accessed controller machine via RDP from INDIA.

Please help.

Mariappan Rajagopal

Mariappan R.
Mariappan R.

Mariappan R.

47 / 100

Looking at the error it seems that your application or any network device like Load Balancer between the load generators and the application are overloaded.

I guess that you do not have such error with a lower load right?

Did you get those errors on all your LG's? You can look at the Errors tab and the Load Generator column.

When you got those errors have you tried to manually connect to your application from the same area where the LG's are located?

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Mariappan R.
Mariappan R.

Mariappan R.

47 / 100

Dear Nouredine,

Thank you for the quick response!
1. Up to 700 Vusers, we are not facing this error message. After 700 Vusers, we are started getting this error message.
2. We have configured 4 LG machines, all LGs are loaded with same error message.
3. Yes, when we got this error message, we tried to launch the application manually to check the application response, it was very slow than usual.
Please suggest - Is it a problem with Neoload LG’s Load balancer. If yes, is there any parameter to set the load balancer behavior. (Or) do you predict this is an Application server load balancer Issue?
Couple of weeks back, we haven’t faced this error message with 2500 Vusers load test. The only difference in today’s execution is, currently we are accessing the Controller machine (located at Frankfurt) from INDIA through RDP (Remote desktop connection)
Please refer the previous post -
Awaiting for your response. Thanks.