I am pretty good at looking at log files for clues to what the cause of a problem is when it is not obvious. How do I get NeoLoad to increase the amount of information sent to the logs in order to help with problem determination?
NeoLoad has different levels of messages that can be kept in the logs.
Sometimes, increasing the log level of a NeoLoad component can help troubleshoot an issue, either for yourself or Neotys Support.
Here is an example of adding DEBUG level to the Proxy component for troubleshooting issues during recording:
a) Edit -> %INSTALL_DIR%\Neoload 3.2\conf\logs.xconfig
b) Find this line:
<category name="neoload.Proxy" log-level="ERROR">
And replace "ERROR" with "DEBUG" in order to get:
<category name="neoload.Proxy" log-level="DEBUG">
c) Save the configuration file and restart NeoLoad for the changes to take effect.
Note: Don't forget to change the level back to "ERROR" after you test, as the extra DEBUG level will add a lot of data into the neoload.log file.