Unanswered question

Where to find the Vuser logs for an execution in Neoload

Hello Experts,
I would like to see the user path journey in the logs for an execution. Logging details like which transactions passed, which ones failed, what time stamps, what is the application's response during a success or a failure scenario. Please help me how to configure this settings and where to view the same. Thanks

Harish N.
Harish N.

Harish N.

111 / 750


Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

I'm not sure to understand. Do you want to get those information for a load test or just while debugging the replaying of your scripts?

After a run in your test result you can see in the Values tab the failed transactions, their response time and in the Errors tab the details of the errors. You can add validation on specific response to make sure that you got the expected response from the server during the test. If it's not the case an assertion error will be raised.

Harish N.
Harish N.

Harish N.

111 / 750

Thanks for the response.
I am keen to see the details of a user path journey. Starting from 1st transaction till end of the script. (from launch, login till logout).
Values TAB will show me which transaction has failed and the errors TAB will show me the response, request for a specific error.
I am trying to understand is something similar to Load Runner logging exists
Log always, only when an error occurs, parameter values when an error occurs, screen shot of the application at the time of the error, etc.
Are these available? If yes, where to locate?

Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

In NeoLoad the logic is different. You can run a test in debug mode and in that case NeoLoad can keep all the user transactions or only those in errors. This can be configured at the scenario level. Debug mode test is meant for a limited amount of users since it consumes more resources than a normal run.

In a normal test you need to configure your user path with for example try...cache, javascripts to log some user runtime information in case of errors. NeoLoad works at protocol level so screen shots is not something that can be done.


Harish N.
Harish N.

Harish N.

111 / 750

Thanks Nouredine. When I tried to run a test in Debug mode, I can see DETAILS tab getting enabled. However I am able to see the user path where the failures/errors have occurred. However I believe there has to be some config settings to state the debug info should catch only the points of failures or I general the complete user path. Please help me to locate these settings. Thanks,

Harish N.
Harish N.

Harish N.

111 / 750

Hi Nouredine, I was able to locate the settings for the logging level of Debug to restrict only to errors and to log all events of the user path journey. Sorry for the trouble.