When I started my recording, it was against our test environment. I was able to validate my scenario but now I need to do the same on our pre-production environment.
This will be exactly the same content. I don't want to record again, so I imagine that it is a common situation. Do we have a quick way in Neoload to do that without having to edit each request?
For load testing, you often load test some test application servers. Then you may want to switch to a pre-production server that has the exact same configuration.
In the "Design" pane, change server by selecting it in the "Servers" section in virtual user profiles. You need to edit the "Machine name" and, if needed, the "Port" fields for all the requests to be redirected to the new address at the next runtime.
You may also use the search/replace function. Go to menu "Edt-->Preferences-->Search and replace". Then select item "Search for a server in request definitions".
For more information, see "Servers" under "Design" section in the NeoLoad documentation.