Answered question

How do I record a JAVA application with NeoLoad?

I would like to test a new application that is based on JAVA. I know that it is using the HTTP protocol but when I tried to record a scenario with NeoLoad, I did not see any recorded requests. Should I configure something in NeoLoad?

NeoLoad can record any HTTP traffics as soon as this traffic can go through a proxy. When you start a recording NeoLoad uses its own proxy to record the traffic between your browser and your application.

So after starting the recording, you will see as proxy "localhost:8090" in your browser settings.

In case of JAVA application, you don't use a browser so you will have to do one of two things:


  1. The NeoLoad recorder proxy can be configured directly on the Java application UI.
  2. The NeoLoad recorder proxy can be configured on the command line. For command line here are the parameters to add to the application launch script:


    For example:

    java -Dhttp.proxyHost={ServerName} -Dhttp.proxyPort={ServerPort} -jar Default

    ServerName is the NeoLoad Controller hostname or localhost. ServerPort port is 8090.


For more information about JAVA application, see "Java Serialization Requests " under "Design" section.

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