Answered question

How do I transfer a license between workstations?

I have already installed and activated a license file on my machine. We received a new dedicated machine for NeoLoad and I would like to install the license on this new server. When I try to activate the license on the new machine, NeoLoad says that the license is already activated on another machine. Can you tell me how to transfer the license activation from one machine to another?

When you load a license in NeoLoad, this license will be tied to that computer. That is to say that you won't be able to use it on another computer. You may need to change the computer where NeoLoad is installed.

In that case, you will also need to use your license on your new computer. A standard license may be transferred from one workstation to another.

This operation de-activates the key on the first machine, making NeoLoad inoperative with that key on that machine.

The procedure is as follows: Transferring a license key


1. Launch the License Key Activation Wizard via the "Help / Activate license key..." menu item.

2. Select "Transfer key to another machine"

3. NeoLoad generates a de-activation file named "license-inactivation.req".

4. This file must be e-mailed to Neotys at

5. You will receive a confirmation e-mail from Neotys to say that the key has been de-activated for that machine. You may now use your license on another machine.


For more information, see the section called "License Key Management" in NeoLoad documentation.

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