Unanswered question

Error Code: NL-NETWORK-03 Message: Unable ?

Error Code: NL-NETWORK-03 Message: Unable to connect to server. Error attempting to connect a socket to a remote address and port. Typically, the server is down or cannot open more sockets on its system. If the error detail is "java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect" for all requests, it typically means that the Load Generator is using an inappropriate network interface. Details:

Kapil S.
Kapil S.

Kapil S.

21 / 100


First thing to check if the issue is on all the requests or only some of them? And does it happen on a check virtual user or a test?

If it's all the requests it means that your network settings are not correct. For example a proxy is configured to reach the application but that proxy is unreachable. Or basically the destination port of your URL is not correct.

Does it work properly if you execute the same request from the browser on your LG machine? If yes check the browser proxy settings to make sure that it is what you have configured in NeoLoad under Application proxy.

Kapil S.
Kapil S.

Kapil S.

36 / 100

Hi Nouredine, Even myself facing the same issue,

Its on all Pages & each requests under them,i am getting the same error message as soon as i am getting "Check User path". It was absolutely fine till yesterday

Manually the application is doing absolutely fine, i am able to launch the application and navigate to subsequent pages, Nothing changed at app level...Basically no change at proxy/application level..I was working on this same application from past 10 days, No issues et all..

Suddenly in the morning it started failing, Any troubleshooting heads up please

Kapil S.
Kapil S.

Kapil S.

36 / 100

ests with NL-NETWORK-02 "BindException" errors

I did the steps as part of troubleshooting as:
Windows 2003/2008/2012//Vista, Windows 8/10

It is necessary to add the following values to the \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters key using regedit, then re-boot the machine hosting the Load Generator.






(REG_DWORD, decimal)



(REG_DWORD, decimal)

After this did restart system and neoload offcourse..But no luck , will appreciate urgent feedback

At the beginning you had NL-Network-03 errors and now it's NL-Network-02 errors? Does it mean that the first error does not occur anymore?

Could you check in the Runtime section in the Load Generator properties where you can see the NIC of your LG that nothing is selected which is the default?