Answered question

Can I mix 64 bits controller with 32 bits load generators even using different operating systems?

I would like to use the 64 bits controller version on Windows but I would also like to make sure that it will work with my Linux load generators running 32 or 64 bit versions.

NeoLoad is a JAVA program that can run on a 32 or 64-bit environment.

It can be used on any operating systems that can run JAVA applications. The communication between the controller and the load generators use TCP connections.

That is to say, it does not matter if a controller is running on a 64-bit environment under Windows and the load generators on 32 or 64 bits running on Linux.

You only have to make sure that the Controller and load generators are running exactly the same NeoLoad version.


For more information, see “Installation” section on NeoLoad documentation.

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