Unanswered question

Can't contact loadgenerator from Neoload Web

I am running neoload controller and load generator as dockers locally. Both are connected to Neoload Web.

However, when trying to trigger test run from neoload web I am getting this in my log: 'Unable to contact loadgen:7100@Default zone'.

Also, there is an exception I am getting when starting docker of loadgen: 'ERROR - com.neotys.net.c.a.a: Exception during the WanEmulation loading java.io.IOException: ipfw binary file does not exist or is not executable : /home/neoload/neoload/@ipfw.native.folder@/./ipfw'.

Loadgenerator on the other hand seems to receive orders fine. Like it correctly locks and inlocks. Not sure what is going wrong there

Vladislav M.
Vladislav M.

Vladislav M.

15 / 100


The message related to ipfw does not matter. It's the WAN emulation driver which is optional.

It's not NeoLoad Web that connect to your load generator but the controller and it looks like it can't connect to the Load generator. The name "loadgen" is it something that can be resolved?

When you started your load generator you used the option "LG_HOST". Could you use the IP or even localhost to make sure?


Vladislav M.
Vladislav M.

Vladislav M.

15 / 100

I see. Also, can it be that loadgen and controller are running different versions of neoload? Or do both of these run the latest 6.7? I didn't find a way to specify the version. Also, if my project is saved with an older version like 6.6. Would it still be possible to run it with dockerized versions of controller and loadgen?

Neil W.
Neil W.

Neil W.

5000 / 5000

Controller, LoadGenerator and project should all be at the same version. For docker containers, if you don't specify the tag (version), you will get the latest available at the time. You can specify the tag using this format neotys/load-generator:6.7 or neotys/neoload-controller:6.7