Looks like we have to draw a patterns using Regular expression in advanced mode....But we are not able to draw this pattern...Any help to support this POC will be great. Else we might end up in loosing the business
Look forward for your instant responses please,.
It will be difficult to help you without the full response content and the content of the request where it should be used. But what issue do you get exactly?
Do you have difficulties to extract the value or to reuse it?
The value in your response is HTML encoded so if you need to use it HTML decoded there's an option in the variable extractor panel to decode it.
Please provide more information so we can help you on this.
You already provided that response. I need to know what issue you have extracting that value?
If you have access to the Neotys Support the best would be to open a ticket and provide an export of your NeoLoad project.
As Nouredine suggests, a support ticket might be the best route as we can't test this to ensure it works. Assuming you know how to create a variable extractor, the left hand side would be...
<input type="hidden" name="SAMLResponse" value="
...and the right hand side would be...
" />
...meaning the resulting pattern would be...
<input type="hidden" name="SAMLResponse" value="(.*?)" />