Unanswered question

Trying to test webapp with SAML,on validaing the request are getting Redirect error,how do we handle the SAML request?

We are trying to load test web application integrated with SAML SSO, after recording when we try to validate the user path we receive Redirect error for the request. So wanted to know if we have any resource on handling the SAML request in Neoload.

Prateek K.
Prateek K.

Prateek K.

24 / 100


There's nothing specific for SAML in NeoLoad but it's usually a matter of correlating some values. If you did not correlate the SAML values that would explain your replaying issue.

You need to look at some SAML parameter names/values and try to find the value from the previous server responses. I would suggest to create a framework for that in order to automate this process for future recordings.