Unanswered question

Does anyone know cause for the error --> ERROR: The license does not allow running a scenario

Getting below error while trying to run test using NeoloadCmd.exe

Log:Logging to C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Roaming\Neotys\NeoLoad\v5.2\logs, as user: MyUserName Leasing license MC0CFE3t/Zpo7qd9XI36Pc8jO+MVFnenAhUAlJOMtKficaYIc5FlUwJS1vxy18E=...
Leased license MC0CFE3t/Zpo7qd9XI36Pc8jO+MVFnenAhUAlJOMtKficaYIc5FlUwJS1vxy18E= with 50 VUs for 1 hour(s).
Loading project: D:\NeoLoad Projects\eSupport_Manuals\eSupport_Manuals.nlp
Project eSupport_Manuals loaded
Launching scenario: S01-2 Vusers,10mins_SM (00h:10m:00s)
ERROR: The license does not allow running a scenario.
ERROR: This project requires the 'module.appdynamics' module which is not in your license. Contact sales@neotys.com for a free evaluation key.

Please let us know what is the cause and fix for this issue.

Narayan K.
Narayan K.

Narayan K.

23 / 100


It seems from the error message that your project is configured to use App Dynamics integration but your license does not have that module included. Are you able to run that project from the NeoLoad UI using the same user credential to connect to the Neotys Team Server?

Narayan K.
Narayan K.

Narayan K.

23 / 100

Sorry I forgot to mention that this issue occurs intermittently. If we use same scenarios from UI it works perfectly well 100% of the times but when it is from NeoloadCmd, we see the intermittent issue as mentioned earlier.

When running via the GUI, are you using the free 50 user licence? this has the AppD module. When you are playing back from the cmd line you are using a shared licence, it suggest this licence doesn't have the AppD module