Trying to use a 3rd party vendor as a repository (stash) but getting the following error:
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: Handshake failed, received: '
The NeoLoad Collaboration feature works with SVN only. Nevertheless, you can use another Source Control system like GIT by checking-in/out manually the project files from...
I'm using git cvs for collaborating a NeoLoad project. Currently we have the following NeoLoad specific files and directories added to the .gitignore file.
I think there's a misunderstanding. Your project is not under control using NeoLoad like i originally thought. When it's the case you should see a "team" folder with .git folder...
I'm looking into upgrading to Neoload professional from the standard version for my client. One of the bottlenecks we're facing is that while one tester is running a test on our...
Yes, Neoload Web stores execution results online, so while the test is running, any user with a NLWeb login can view results. That said, the standard licence is pitched at the...