Unanswered question

Missing GWT serialization policy - have verified exists ?

I'm doing a User Path validation for a script on a GWT app. for one of the services it is throwing the following:

Error Code: NL-GWT-PLUGIN-ENGINE-01 Message: An internal error occurred while processing the GWT request. Details: Class Not Found: Missing GWT serialization policy file 7C868B6479FA883D5F35CEFE304A1B81.gwt.rpc

I have verified this file is in the <project-home>/lib/plugins/gwt folder along with the rest of the .gwt.rpc files. Is this a bug?

Rick B.
Rick B.

Rick B.

12 / 100


Are you trying to replay your script against a different build version compared to the one that was recorded?

For instance is it a script that you have recorded with build A and now you are using JAR's from build B in order to replay your script against build B?


Rick B.
Rick B.

Rick B.

12 / 100

Nouredine, sorry I don't know how to reply directly to your answer. This is not the case unfortunately. I run a script to get the libs from the server before executing the test and have tried a couple of times to re-resolve the dependencies just in case.

Manish T.
Manish T.

Manish T.

13 / 100

I am facing exact same issue right now with NL 7.7, Nouredine/Rick. Did we find a solution to it ?