Answered question

The responses in our application are in json format. In this case, how can i create variables ?

For login and other screens, our application responses are in the json format as mentioned in the screenshot.

How can i create a variable in this scenario to pass multiple credentials to the login screen?

Can you please help me out with this?

Suraj M.
Suraj M.

Suraj M.

15 / 100

Hi, variable extractors can be used to extract values from JSON responses and store those values in variables. For the requests, you can edit the payload like this


where ${myvariablename} is the variable is the help link for variable extraction, the what's new in 6.1 also mentions JSON. hope it helps

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Suraj M.
Suraj M.

Suraj M.

15 / 100

Thanks Neil for the quick response.

Can you please let me know the steps to do this?