I am running the NeoLoad tests with Jenkins
I have a master server for Jenkins and node/slave configured to it.
The NeoLoad controller is installed on the Node, and the perf test job is configured to run only on that node.
I am not using the NeoLoad-Jenkins plugin for this
Instead i use windows batch command as the build step and use all the Neoload command line execution commands.
What happens - the project is getting build , but it is not succeeding and getting a user control issue as attached here... looks like some user control issue....
I am successful when there is no master - node set up.... i.e when the Neoload controller is installed in the master itself..and the job is triggered with windows batch command....
any help is appreciated to solve this...
You have to deactivate the UAC for the windows user account that launches NeoLoad.
wonderful, thanks Cristophe
I resolved it
In addition to it, its better to start the jenkins slave in administrator mode..
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