Unanswered question

NeoLoad Test execution on Docker container


We can build performance test scenarios using NeoLoad GUI and they can be executed using GUI tool, Command Line ,CI tool like Jenkins etc on a machine where NeoLoad is installed and available ...

Currently do we have any support to run the NeoLoad scenarios on a Docker container ? By making a perf test docker image and then running them inside docker container...

If yes kindly provide some reference docs etc ...
I have some existing perf test scenario, would like to check if they can be some how dockerized..

Many Thanks

Musaffir L.
Musaffir L.

Musaffir L.

455 / 750


There are Docker images of load generators if you would like to use it. I'm not sure what you meant when you said that you would like to run scenarios on a Docker but i guess you were talking about the load generators and not the controller.

The Docker images for the LG's are available on Docker hub here

Musaffir L.
Musaffir L.

Musaffir L.

455 / 750

Hi Nouredine,

Thanks for letting me know there is a docker image available for load generators...

I guess the load generator image is only meant for generating load and then test execution etc would be running in your host machine where Neoload is installed ( basically the neo load controller is installed in the host machine )... so the controlling of scenarios, triggering it etc would happen in the host machine...

I am actually looking for some automated way of running neoload scenarios with in docker completely.... so yes having a way to control the tests by selecting scenarios etc too from docker would be beneficial...and not just generating load with docker images...

is that possible ?

Warm Regards