Answered question

Execute neoload web test form jenkins

Hello Team, Need your assistance to configure Jenkins build to trigger a test from Neoload Web.
Project : Checked out from GitHub (Confgiured in Jenkins)
Contollers and Load Generators: To be used from Neoload Web
What should be the configuration to point to Neoloadcmd.exe on the Controllers pointed to Neoload Web?
License Configured in neoload Web needs to be used for the execution -> configured in Shared license option in Jenkins build

Harish N.
Harish N.

Harish N.

111 / 750

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Jenkins can instruct Neoload Web to launch a test via the Neoload Web API, to make this simple, we have provided a Docker wrapper around the API, have Jenkins launch the Docker container with the required settings and that will contact the api and run the test. I don’t have the link handy on my phone but search Docker HUb for Neoload and you will find it

Harish N.
Harish N.

Harish N.

111 / 750

Hi Neil, Thank you for the response. I tried to use below command in the neoload executable of the jenkins build. But it failed. Please let know where I am going wrong.
docker run -d --rm \ -e MODE=Managed -e NEOLOADWEB_URL=full url\ -e NEOLOADWEB_TOKEN=token value \ neotys/neoload-controller
I get the exception
java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 57:

Harish N.
Harish N.

Harish N.

111 / 750

Thank you, very much -Neil
Do I need to trigger command line from Jenkins build or execute a Neoload scenario?
if I use the command line trigger, I need to trigger the neolaodcmd.exe in neoload web controller and then run below command. How to trigger neolaodcmd in controller?
docker run --rm\-e\-e NEOLOADWEB_URL=nlwebapiurl\-e NEOLOADWEB_TOKEN=token value\-e TEST_RESULT_NAME=Git-Jenkins-NL\-e SCENARIO_NAME=SN\ neotys/neoload-web-test-launcher

If I use the 2nd option of using Neoload plugin in Jenkins build, again how to point to the executable and other project settings. Sorry , am very new to Jenkins usage on a docker. Is there any documentation with examples?