Answered question

How to parameterize Variable Type: File in Variable Manager


I am running a script to run my test through Command Line. I have a variable called logins (file) type which is .csv. I read my logins and passwords through it.

Is there way I can parameterize my file name value, so that I can change the file when running the script?

./NeoLoadCmd -project pathToMyProject.nlp
-launch Scenario1 -noGUI -variables env=PROD, logins=variables/LoginCredentials.csv

I am hoping to change logins value to something else next time I run this script. For example change the logins variable value to = LoginCredentials22.csv. Can I do that?

Shahboz S.
Shahboz S.

Shahboz S.

56 / 100

I recommend you rename the variable "Logins" to "Logins_Prod".

Then, you need to declare an "ENV" constant variable, which value is "Prod" or "Stage" according to the context (you can override in the command line with -variables ENV=Stage

Then you can use:

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You cannot variabilize the file path. You need to variabilize the calls:

Declare one variable per Environment:

then, variabilize all calls:
Login parameter = ${MyFileFor-${ENV}}.Login

Shahboz S.
Shahboz S.

Shahboz S.

56 / 100


So I declared two variables:

Variable 1: "Logins" contains file loginsProd.csv
Variable 2: "Logins_Stage" contains file loginsStage.csv

Question: How do I run a script in CMD, so I can choose either Variable 1 or Variable 2 for all my login calls in the project?

My current call looks like this:
