Unanswered question

Capturing a Dynamic Session ID

Hi, I am trying to capture a dynamic session id at the POST parameters request (see attachment). When I go to the Variable Extractor I do not see after selecting the magnifying glass the session id that i need to capture. I changed the default "body" to "header" and it still does not show the dynamic session ID that i see in the post. I must capture this session id in order for the script to run without failing. Please see screen-shots for details.

Andrea P.
Andrea P.

Andrea P.

3 / 100


christophe M.
christophe M.

christophe M.

5000 / 5000

Dear Drea,

The request you are showing is the Form (and session ID) that is submitted.

You must extract the session ID from a previous response. You can use the Flag feature to find which Request has a recorded response that contains the session ID so that you can put an extractor on it.

The value being sent in the post must come from an earlier response, right click anywhere in the user path and select flag response from the menu. Enter the ID and the response containing the value will be ticked