Unanswered question

Can not name a definition having a variable


It is observed that I can not name a definition with a variable from variable manager...

I would like to have this in order to include a counter variable in the definition name...
Based on certain condition, I need to put the request in a loop and need to execute it multiple times, so having a counter variable in request definition would help to analyse / while looking in to result..

Right now , app gives an error saying definition name is invalid when trying to incorporate a variable - ${someVariable}.
Attached pic for reference...

Any workaround for this ?


This will have some kind of impact on the performance test results.
Right now I am executing a scenario just for a single iteration with just single virtual user to confirm my script is working (In addition to the user path check ) and to confirm NeoLoad returns the readings for Transactions as expected and as identical to what I experience when I do the same transaction manually over the web app in a browser....

and in my scenario, I need to have a request say 'myRequest.ajax' repeating for 'n' times.... the 'n' is not a fixed number... it is purely based on some response content from the app server... so I put that 'myRequest.ajax in a 'while' loop and repeat it until the expected content from the server is received in the response ...

''myRequest.ajax' is a child element of a definition ofcourse...

as the definition name is same ( and the request ''myRequest.ajax' has to be same )...i believe when the scenario is executed, NeoLoad is not capturing the transaction timing for all those number of times ''myRequest.ajax' has executed....I guess it is picking up only a single time transaction execution duration

Hence the final reading on the transaction will be very much less than what is expected or seen when check manually....

I am seeing this issue only in actual run, not in User path check run

Attached couple of pics to validate my comments...

1. Virtual User check _ duration is shown s 39sec.png
2. Actual Run_ duration is showns 2 sec.png

Is it like that or known ...if we have transaction definition of same name executed more than one time....the readings are ignored ?

From your screen shot i can see that you are trying to modify the page name. Why do you need to do that?

If your request inside the While logical action is executed n times then the statistics of your page and container will be the result of this n executions.

In your test result we can see that the request got executed only once.

Hi Nouredine,

Yes, I am trying to modify the page definition name.... cos I can rename it to any name that I want ...as it is just a logical name at the NeoLoad end and not making any significance at the web application end.... but i can not do the same with a request....that's one point...

Now why i really do it ?
The request is actually executing 'N' number of times ...I have attached a new pic for it ...which shows the count...
but the transaction/container do not sows the statistics (basically duration ) summed up for all those 'n' counts of execution...

So i don't get the logical statistics related to the scenario that i consider...( as i mentioned i dont have a user load at all here) .. the readings i get in Neoload should match at least when i do the same scenario manually at app end...which is not the case...

so was thinking its cos the same definition is being executed for 'N' times and tool is not summing up everything ....

also to get the duration of transaction I now put some 'currentDate' variable extractor at the begiining and end of transaction...and a dif between them gives me duration...
but the tool ready made statistics do not give it....

Your last screen shot is confusing since your original transaction "Payroll_GetStatus" is not there anymore.

Your "Processing Status" transaction from your last screen shot is inside the while loop so you will get the average of all the iterations of your requests. If you would like to get the whole duration you need to have your while loop inside another transaction.