Unanswered question

After Proxy setting in Mobile device(for testing native app.) Internet connection is lost in mobile

I want to use NeoLoad for my mobile native app. My mobile and laptop are connected to same wi-fi. I have done the proxy setting in my android phone. Mobile app can work in offline as well as online mode. After doing proxy setting in mobile i am not able to access internet in mobile, although NeoLoad is able to do recording for offline mode of app. Can you suggest me how can i remain connected to internet in mobile after doing Proxy setting also.
Steps followed for Proxy Setting(android):
Setting --> Wifi --> Connect to N/W --> Advance options --> Proxy(Manual) --> Proxy Host Name (IPV4 address) --> Proxy Port (8090) --> Save

In mobile although wifi n/w is showing connected but after proxy setting internet is not accessible.

Aditya R.
Aditya R.

Aditya R.

29 / 100


pallavi D.
pallavi D.

pallavi D.

57 / 100

I'm also facing the same issue. After using neoload machine as proxy, unable to access internet in the mobile.
I would really appreciate if you could suggest me how you resolve this issue. Thank you

Could you elaborate more when you say that you can record with NeoLoad when the application is offline?

When you set your proxy to the NeoLoad proxy are you able from the browser in your mobile to reach the NeoLoad proxy with URL: http://<IP_NeoLoad_machine>:8090

Aditya R.
Aditya R.

Aditya R.

29 / 100

It worked for me, only thing I did was first start mobile recording in NeoLoad and then do the proxy setting in Mobile device.
I had run the same code for upto 170 Users load, in both QA, Dev, and pre-production env. with little changes, it was working smooth.

Try it out hopefully it will work for you as well.

Hi, there are 2 things that need to be done to enable recording, the phone has to have the Neoload machine/host and port set up as the http proxy (Neoload has to to running for the proxy to function) and if there is a pre-existing proxy to access the internet from the network, this has to be configured in Neoload. So basically

...phone > NL proxy > Organisation Proxy > internet