Unanswered question

Different Boundary Values for same ID

<li><a href="/Issue/Edit/2a19b143-0eaa-e711-9f8f-0050560b03d4?issueId=2b19b143-0eaa-e711-9f8f-0050560b03d4">Parent/Caregiver</a></li>
<li><a href="/Candidate/Index/2a19b143-0eaa-e711-9f8f-0050560b03d4?issueId=2b19b143-0eaa-e711-9f8f-0050560b03d4">Candidates</a></li>
<li><a href="/Ballot/Index/2a19b143-0eaa-e711-9f8f-0050560b03d4">Voting Documents</a></li>
<li><a href="/Booklet/Index/2a19b143-0eaa-e711-9f8f-0050560b03d4">Candidate Sheets</a></li>

Have pasted the first occurence of the response above, Can this be handled by Variable extractor or should i go for advanced ? If so , how do i go aobut it. i see the same dynamic value have different boundaries

Qual IT N.
Qual IT N.

Qual IT N.

5 / 100


The fact that the value is the same with different boundary is not an issue. If you need to extract that value just pick one of them. But best is to use boundary related to where the value is used. For example if the request where you would like to replace it is related to Candidates then use the Candidates boundary.

Sulav B.
Sulav B.

Sulav B.

228 / 750

I recommend manually creating a variable extractor rather than using the Automatic Variable Extractor. Also, if the dynamic value is consistently same across all boundaries (various iterations), just create a variable extractor using:

LB: <li><a href="/Issue/Edit/2a19b143-0eaa-e711-9f8f-0050560b03d4?issueId=
RB: ">Parent/Caregiver</a></li>

And extract only the first occurrence as simple as that. Note this will work only if 2a19b143-0eaa-e711-9f8f-0050560b03d4 is constant.

If you are not sure use advanced option and create a variable extractor with a regular expression.