Unanswered question

Do Neoload has a module that can encript or des encript data?

I did a recording a script of a mobile application for a bank, in the variables that neoload 6.0 gets of the application is encripted, this is not permit to variabilizate the data, also can not see the informatión of the user. The test was in the operating system IOS because i do not recording in the operating system Android. Those are somethings screenshots made mode proxy of Neoload 6.0 of the test.
¿Do neoload has a module that encript or des encript data?

Arnold A.
Arnold A.

Arnold A.

3 / 100


Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

NeoLoad has an Encode/Decode API feature for which the goal is to manage data that are not human readable in requests or responses. With some JAVA code custom formats like encrypted format can be read/write and converted to an XML content.

But you have to figure out how the data is encrypted so you can replicate that in some JAVA code.

You may check with the developers of the application to get some information about how the data is encrypted.

For more information about that Encode/Decode API please look at the NeoLoad documentation here