Unanswered question

NeoLoad User Validation Error - CLASSPATH Environment Variable?


I've been getting "Error: Load generator localhost: 7100 unavailable" error and understand in order for the user validation / LG agent to work, I can simply unset the CLASSPATH Environment Variable.

However, I need my CLASSPATH Environment Variable to remain set for some of the application to run correctly. Could I add the path of the JAR libraries that NeoLoad needs in the CLASSPATH instead? I know there is unlikely any conflict between the libraries.

If this is possible, what is the value I need to set in the CLASSPATH. I've tried %NeoLoad_Home%\lib\* with %NeoLoad_HOME%\jre\lib\* and that didn't work.

Or is there any alternative solution?

Thank you very much.


Eric M.
Eric M.

Eric M.

2 / 100


I dont' know any use case where you should touch at the CLASSPATH Environment Variable. If you have an error related to the launch of Load generator localhost, then have a look to the logs to understand what happens (typically a port issue).

How to access the logs: http://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/en/htm... (shortcut in NeoLoad: Help/ Open Log folder)